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Chiropractics Helped Jon David's Asthma

In Part 3 of our story, I shared about the amazing results we received from following the GAPS diet and a little about our home-school journey. Today, I'm going to share some other things we've incorporated into our health routine.

My kids love to swim! We were at the pool one day and struck up a conversation with an old golf buddy of mine and former neighbor, Brycen Hudock. We were filling him in on life since we moved to our new farm and all of the changes we'd made to help Jon David with his asthma. He asked if we had ever tried chiropractics for Jon David's asthma. Due to a back injury, I regularly saw a chiropractor, but I'd never considered it for my kids. Brycen suggested we bring Jon David to his office for an evaluation. He told us that he'd had many patients whose asthma improved with chiropractic care. So, we agreed to take him in for an evaluation.

Our first visit with Dr. Brycen Hudock of True Health Chiropractics was so informative! Right away, Brycen asked if our pediatrician had ever told us that Jon David had scoliosis. Never once had anyone mentioned scoliosis to us, so I was shocked, yet again, at a simple diagnosis that was missed by our pediatrician. He pointed out how Jon David's right shoulder was higher than his left and his left hip was higher than his right. In all the times I'd looked at Jon David, I'd never noticed that (maybe that's why his pediatricians hadn't either). Jon David's evaluation included two different types of scans, one was a Thermal Scan and the other measured Surface EMG (surface electromyography). Again, I'm a data person, so I was fascinated with scans. As a finance teacher, it was important to me to have documentation to show that the chiropractic care was actually working if I was going to invest a significant amount of time and money into these treatments.

At our follow-up visit Dr. Brycen reviewed our results. Jon David was seriously out of alignment! The not-so-ironic part was that his major areas of subluxation were points in the spine related neurologically to the respiratory system. Go figure! Dr. B suggested a plan that offered unlimited visits so we could get the care that was best for Jon David without having to worry about money each visit. Our treatment schedule began with three appointments per week, with a re-evaluation every 12 visits. After a few months of steady improvement, we went to two appointments per week and we currently go once a week. Because Jon David started seeing Dr. B while he was still growing, it's very likely that his scoliosis will fully recover! What a blessing!

Most people are familiar with chiropractics to some degree, but True Health Chiropractic is different than any other chiropractor I've ever been to. Until True Health Chiropractic, the only type of therapy I was familiar with was manual manipulation, where they twist and turn your body in a specific way designed to relieve pressure and "crack" your joints. That's why I'd never considered it for my kids. I knew Jon David wouldn't cooperate when someone was trying to crack his joints because he doesn't cooperate when getting therapeutic massages.

Dr. Brycen's technique is different. It's more gentle and uses a tool that taps on areas that need neurological stimulation and/or realignment. He motto is, "Get healthy naturally, stay well, appreciate and respect your body, lead a life that is full of joy, self-expression, fun, personal growth, and activity." That's my kind of doctor!

Chiropractics can help with all kinds of health issues, so I highly recommend looking into it!

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