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Are Your Health Problems From Toxic Exposure?

Breathing is kinda important, right? There is no more terrifying experience, as a mom, to watch your child struggle to breathe and feeling completely helpless. I remember driving Jon David to the emergency room in the middle of the night, during one of his asthma attacks, and wondering if I should call an ambulance to meet us in route. The Albuterol wasn't helping him at that moment and we still had a 20 minute ride to the hospital.

I've had so many people approach or message me since launching this blog. I pray it's given you some ideas to explore, but I wanted to give you a little more details on what we've done to make our family healthier.

The first step was figuring out the food triggers for Jon David's asthma and removing them from his diet. From there, we had to remove all of the chemicals from our house. I had no idea how dangerous common household products really are. I thought if I was buying it from a store, it must be safe. THAT'S FAR FROM TRUE! Check out the Environmental Working Group's Cleaning Product Hall of Shame. You'll find products that are labeled "fatal if inhaled," "fatal if swallowed," "will burn skin and eyes," "suspected of damaging the unborn child," and many more horrible side effects!

There are thousands of toxic chemicals allowed in the United States that are BANNED in other countries! Here are a few toxic ones from the article 8 Hidden Toxins Lurking in Your Cleaning Products.

  1. Phthalates - known endocrine disruptors, reduced sperm counts, absorbed through skin or inhalation; found in products containing "fragrance"

  2. Perchloroethylene or "PERC" - neurotoxin, possible carcinogen, dizziness, loss of coordination; found in fumes from cleaning solutions, upholstery cleaners, spot removers, etc.

  3. Triclosan - aggressive antibacterial agent that promotes the growth of drug-resistant bacteria; toxic to wildlife in rivers/stream; probable carcinogen; found in liquid soaps and detergents labeled "antibacterial"

  4. Quarternary Ammonium Compounds or "QUATS" - another type of antimicrobial helping breed antibiotic-resistant bacteria; known skin irritant causing contact dermatitis; suspected culprit for respiratory disorders; "There's evidence that even healthy people who are exposed to QUATS on a regular basis develop asthma as a result;" found in fabric softeners and most household antibacterial cleaners.

  5. 2-Butoxyethanol - causes sore throats when inhaled, at high levels glycol ethers can contribute to narcosis, pulmonary edema, and severe liver and kidney damage; found in multipurpose & window cleaners.

  6. Ammonia - “It’s going to affect you right away. The people who will be really affected are those who have asthma, and elderly people with lung issues and breathing problems. It’s almost always inhaled. People who get a lot of ammonia exposure, like housekeepers, will often develop chronic bronchitis and asthma.” Ammonia can also create a poisonous gas if it’s mixed with bleach. Found in polishing agents for bathroom fixtures, sinks, and jewelry; also in glass cleaners.

  7. Chlorine - respiratory irritant; may be a serious thyroid disrupter; found in scouring powders, toilet bowl cleaners, mildew removers, laundry whiteners, household tap water.

  8. Sodium Hydroxide or lye - extremely corrosive; can cause severe burns; found in oven cleaners and drain openers

At this point you're probably reading the labels of your shampoos, cleaners, etc. and are freaking out about everything in your house. I struggled with a lot of guilt once I found out that the products we were using caused respiratory issues, but show yourself grace! You didn't know about it before now, so you've got to let that go (speaking from experience). All you can do is make better choices from this point on. Here's what we did.

So y'all know oils are what attracted me to Young Living, but I've been equally excited about the Thieves Cleaning product line and all of the personal care products! I've literally replaced all of the toxic products in my home with Young Living; from makeup to shampoos, soaps, cleaners, supplements, name it and Young Living has it! Here's a Simple Swap document so you can tackle this in baby steps, room-by-room, over time so you're not overwhelmed.

These are a few of the Thieves Cleaning products in my kitchen. The Thieves Household Cleaner can literally replace just about any cleaner in your home! I use it to deep-clean my kitchen, clean my bathrooms, wipe off counters and toilets, mop my floors. Seriously, this one product will change your life! Jon David can clean using Thieves and have ZERO negative side-effects! It's just plants.

"How do I know if my kitchen is really clean if I'm not using chemicals?" Watch this video and see for yourself!

So, what's the big deal about Thieves? When you think, "Thieves," think AMAZING health, because every product in the Thieves line supports your immune system! Yes, you heard me right! When you clean with Thieves, you're supporting your immune system. When you brush your teeth with Thieves Aromabright toothpaste, you're boosting your immune system. When you wash your produce with Thieves Fruit & Veggie Soak (my favorite), you're boosting your immune system.

There is no wrong way to begin your wellness journey with Young Living. Our family got started with the Oils Premium Starter Kit and then bought the Thieves Essential Rewards Kit (saves you $45). Those two things alone made a HUGE dent in getting rid of the toxins in our home!

If you'd really like to replace your cleaners and explore oils another time, there's a Thieves Premium Starter Kit, FULL of goodies!

You must commit to changing your lifestyle if you want to tackle some of the health issues you're facing. I've shared the MANY changes our family has made over the past 3 years. Has it been easy? Changing our diet has been challenging, but swapping out our old products with Young Living products has been easy as pie! We get our "Wellness Box" each month full of whatever products we want. Our box usually includes shampoo, soap, NingXia Red, supplements, something from the Thieves line, and LOTS of free oils! I LOVE internet shopping, so Essential Rewards is my best friend! I update my order throughout the month as we run out of things and then wait for it to show up at our door. It's that simple. You choose the products. You choose the processing date. No contracts, no fuss. Just a box full of healthy, non-toxic products and all kinds of perks.

There aren't a lot of things you can control in this life, but you are COMPLETELY in control of the products you allow in your home. You can take the same steps our family has taken by starting your wellness journey with Young Living. This one decision will completely change your health in amazing ways! Can't wait to hear your family's testimony!

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